Message from the Founder:
Shabbos Mevorchim Kislev. Chanukah is around the corner…a time to thank, and a time to praise. That being said, my message this month is a bit different. It is my personal message of thanks. Thanks to the Master of the world who is the ultimate Healer!
It's been four long years of doctor visits and hospital stays. Moreover, surgeries, chemo and radiation have become part of life. A few weeks ago, my amazing shliach from Hashem, the oncologist, recommended that I try a relatively new method of treatment called targeted therapy. B"H, I recently took an MRI and the tumor was barely noticeable! So much so that my doctor asked the radiologist (who reads the scans) if the images were good quality since it was basically unnoticeable.
This is obviously Yad Hashem and I want to publicly share my thoughts of appreciation to the Almighty. On a personal note, I would like to thank Rabbi Niehaus and our generous sponsors for this wonderful publication. I also want to thank everyone who reads this leaflet for being meschazek in Asher Yatzar. Who knows? Maybe this was the merit that brought about this positive news! We just have to do our job and Hashem will take care of the rest. This is especially true in these tumultuous times where Jews are in danger and some wonder where to turn. Nobody knows, but we do – we just have to do our part and turn to Hashem to do the rest.
Let us be mechazek in Torah, tefilla and chesed! In that zechus, it is our hope and prayer that Esther bas Sara Miriam have a complete refuah sheleimah, together with all the other cholim in Klal Yisroel. May we reunite with all our brethren with Moshiach speedily in our days!
Yossi Hecht